Connecting Parents & Teachers

We connect schools and homes together for the betterment of our children

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For teachers, to upload and track progress of students of each class.

DigitalDiary - Teachers App is a powerful tool for teachers to upload and track the progress of students. This application is designed to allow teachers to post classwork and homework updates while also allowing them to communicate with the parents to check on the child's progress.

DigitalDiary - Teachers App offers several features that make it an essential tool for teachers.

  • Authentic Teacher Login
  • Record Student Attendance and Grades
  • Classwork and Homework Updates
  • Updates about upcoming projects, exams, and other important class events
  • Parent Teacher Communication

DigitalDiary - Parents App: Be in touch with your child's progress and their teachers.

DigitalDiary - Parents App is a powerful tool for parents to track the progress of their students. This application is designed to allow parents to view classwork and homework updates while also allowing them to communicate with the teachers to check on their child's progress.

DigitalDiary - Parents App offers several features that make it an essential tool for parents.

  • Authentic Parent Login
  • Scanned QR codes for their own Children
  • View their Child's Attendance and Grades
  • View Classwork and Homework Updates
  • View Updates about upcoming projects, exams, and other important class events
  • Generate Challan and Pay Students Monthly Fees
  • Parent Teacher Communication

DigitalDiary - Admin App: Monitor your school's progress at all times.

DigitalDiary - Admin App is a powerful tool for school administrators to track the progress of their school classes, teachers and students. This application is designed to allow school administrator to add subjects, teachers, classes and students for their school. Administrators can view and monitor teachers classwork and homework updates.

  • Authentic Adminstrator Login
  • Add Students and Generate Students QR codes
  • Add Subjects, Classes and Class Teacher Incharge
  • Add Fees and Create Challans
  • View the Classwork and Homework Updates of Teachers
  • View Updates about upcoming projects, exams, and other important class events

Contact us Now for more Details & Features of DigitalDiary

We offer multiple pricing plans best suited for your Institution along with a FREE PLAN to test our software so that you can familiarize yourself with DigitalDiary before partnering up with us.

Kindly see the Pricing Section or Contact us Immediately..!!

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Frequently Asked Questions


We offer multiple plans for our valued customers. Contact us for details about the pricing..!!


Please send us an email for any inquiry or to test Digital Diary for free.